come home to your own nature
I teach Yoga and the Realization Process to adults of all backgrounds, ages, body sizes, and genders.
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I’ve been teaching Yoga and meditation for more than 15 years, and each class still fascinates and inspires me. My students bring so much curiosity and individuality to their practices that I can’t teach the same session twice – we create something new together every time.
I love Yoga and the Realization Process because they support that creativity, with a potential for depth and nuance that never stops amazing me. (Like Charlie Brown and the football, but in a good way.) I also love their pragmatism, how even a quick five minutes of practice might help you find more ease in your body and in your life.
Unlock the power of your practice
come home to your own nature
get right with yourself
find joy in your heart
clear your mind
refresh your body
refine your technique
what I teach

The Realization Process is a set of practices that heal and refine your body, heart, and mind. Each of these practices can help you feel more balanced, more peaceful, and at the same time more vibrantly alive.
The 'realization' part happens gradually, as the practices work layer by layer to unveil your true nature. Eventually you know yourself as both the water and the ripple, the still ground of being and your unique individual self.
It sounds esoteric, but when you get there, it feels like home.

Yoga is complicated: it’s movement and stillness, discipline and freedom, a practice of body, mind, and spirit, an entire ancient and ever-evolving tradition.
And Yoga is simple: it’s whatever you do to come back to yourself. Just an hour-long class at the studio, a few minutes on your mat at home, or even a few focused breaths in the middle of whatever you're doing may bring in some ease and resilience for all levels of your being.
what clients say
Bonnie assists clients in the embodiment of consciousness through the deep healing of trauma held in the body. Her compassionate presence invites clients to experience the ground of being and attune to wholeness available within the subtle core of the body. She is adept in meeting clients where they are, tailoring and sequencing Realization Process practices for unwinding somatic trauma patters and resolving fragmentation. Bonnie’s gentle humor and lightness is a gift to experience. Profound healing is available if you choose to work with her. - Lakshmi, Chicago IL
what clients say
Bonnie assists clients in the embodiment of consciousness through the deep healing of trauma held in the body. Her compassionate presence invites clients to experience the ground of being and attune to wholeness available within the subtle core of the body. She is adept in meeting clients where they are, tailoring and sequencing Realization Process practices for unwinding somatic trauma patters and resolving fragmentation. Bonnie’s gentle humor and lightness is a gift to experience. Profound healing is available if you choose to work with her. - Lakshmi, Chicago IL
what clients say
Bonnie assists clients in the embodiment of consciousness through the deep healing of trauma held in the body. Her compassionate presence invites clients to experience the ground of being and attune to wholeness available within the subtle core of the body. She is adept in meeting clients where they are, tailoring and sequencing Realization Process practices for unwinding somatic trauma patters and resolving fragmentation. Bonnie’s gentle humor and lightness is a gift to experience. Profound healing is available if you choose to work with her. - Lakshmi, Chicago IL